AStrutTie Lineup

AStrutTie3D (under development)


  • An Automatic Design Software for Strut-Tie Model Design of 3-Dimensional Pile Caps (Pre- and Post-process for Finite Element Analysis of 3-Dimensional Truss (Strut-Tie Model) and Solid Problems, Visualization of Principal Stress Flows, Evolutionary Structural Optimization of 3-Dimensional Solid Problems)

Why AStrutTie3D?

  • The strut-tie model method for disturbed stress regions (D-regions) in structural concrete promotes a better understanding of load transfer mechanisms and structural behavior, and it improves the designers’ ability to handle the often complex and unusual circumstances found in the design of these regions. These advantages have resulted in the implementation of the strut-tie model approach in major design codes and guidelines around the globe (ACI 318, AASHTO LFRD, CSA, DIN, EC2).
  • The sectional methods of current design codes have been broadly used for design of various kinds of reinforced concrete pile caps. Lately, the strut-tie model method of current design codes has become the most widely-used method for pile caps. However, since the sectional methods have been established by considering the behavior of structural concrete with B-regions, and since the strut-tie model provisions of current design codes have been determined for use in two-dimensional (2-D) structural concrete with disturbed stress regions, it is inappropriate to apply these methods to the design of the pile caps whose response is dominated by three-dimensional (3-D) structural behavior with D-regions.
  • AStrutTie3D-PileCap facilitates efficient and accurate designs of pile caps by incorporating 3-dimensional strut-tie models. The software has an option to employ the effective strength values of 3-dimensional concrete struts and nodal zones evaluated by reflecting the effects of 3-dimensional stresses associated with tensile strains in reinforcing bars crossing a strut, strut length, deviation angle between strut orientation and compressive principal stress flow, compressive strength of concrete, and degree of confinement provided by reinforcement.

Principal Features

  • Pre-process for Finite Element Analysis of 3-Dimensional Solids (Pile Caps)
  • Linear Elastic Finite Element Analysis of 3-Dimensional Pile Caps subjected to All Kinds of Complicated Boundary Conditions
  • ESO (Evolutionary Structural Optimization) for Selection of 3-Dimensional Pile Cap Strut-Tie Model
  • Incorporation with the 3-Dimensional Grid Strut-Tie Model Method for Handling All Kinds of Load Combinations with Only One Grid Strut-Tie Model
  • Linear Elastic Finite Element Analysis of 3-Dimensional Truss Structures (Strut-Tie Models) subjected to All Kinds of Complicated Boundary Conditions
  • Automatic Calculation of Load Carrying Capacities (Required Cross-sectional Areas of Struts and Ties) of Statically Determinate and Indeterminate 3-Dimensional Pile Cap Strut-Tie Models
  • Construction of Dimensioned Shapes of Concrete Struts, Ties, and Nodal Zones under Design Load
  • Strut-Tie Model Templates for Convenient and Fast Design of Pile Caps subjected to Six Types of Load Combinations
  • Automatic Creation of Structural Calculation Report in Korean (English Version is Coming Soon!)