Truss Analysis and Design Review

4. Using Dxf ›› Modeling Mode ›› Truss ››
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1. Truss Analysis

- Click [Renumbering]

- Click [Run Analysis]

2. Design Review

- Click [Design Review]

Need to increase the amount of lower rebar.

Click [Define Reinforcement Ties]

Lower 1st Cycle Diameter : #9 → [OK]

Click [Design review]

Main Rebar Tie is OK.

- Function Reference


The element and node numbers (of the finite element models of plane solid and truss structures) that are not in sequential order due to editing of the finite element models are renumbered by this function. The renumbering is activated automatically in the finite element analyses.

Run Analysis

The executive files for the finite element analyses for ESO, Stress Flow, Truss, and Nodal Zone are activated by this command. During the execution, nothing can be inputted.

Design Review

After the structural analysis of constructed strut-tie model, the design results regarding the strength verification of struts, ties, and nodal zones can be reviewed.

Define - Tie Types

The steel ties in a strut-tie model represent the main reinforcing bars, shear reinforcing bars, and supplementary reinforcing bars of a concrete member. Two different types of reinforcing bars in a horizontal layer and up to 4 vertical layers.