Max. Width and Outer Element

4. Using Dxf ›› Modeling Mode ›› Truss ››
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- Click [View Options]

Max. Strut/Tie Width –  On

Click [Calculate Max. Width ]

The available widths of all elements in a strut-tie model, calculated automatically by the program,

are displayed by executing the function DESIGN-Element Information or ASSIGN-Outer Element.

The available widths can be modified.

- Technical Reference

The protrusion at the top is the max width considering the bearing plate.
If you want to change the max width of a member, you can change it by two methods.

The first is assign of Outer Element, the second is edit of Element Information.

Reducing the maximum width with this function will result in a more secure design, but overshooting can be over-designed.

- Technical Reference - example

Select Element 5

Click [Outer Element]

I : 247.3

Click [OK ]

Double Click [No. of Element]

Element 7,  I-Width : 0.353

Element 8,  I-Width : 0.353

Element 9,  I-Width : 0.247

Click [Close ]

- Function Reference

Cal. Max Width

The available widths of all elements in a strut-tie model, calculated automatically by the program, are displayed by executing the function DESIGN-Element Information or ASSIGN-Outer Element. The available widths can be modified.