Define Tie Types

4. Using Dxf ›› Modeling Mode ›› Truss ››
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- Truss members are all created and proceed to tie and strut member settings.

Click [Define Reinforcement Ties]

- Click [Add]

Rebar Name = Upper

Rebar Type = Main Rebar

Main Rebar Type = Top Main Rebar

Centroid of Rebar (mm) = 100.0

1st Cycle Rebar Diameter = #8

No. of 1st Cycle Number = 8

Click [Add]

Rebar Name = Lower

Rebar Type = Main Rebar

Main Rebar Type = Bottom Main Rebar

Centroid of Rebar (mm) = 100.0

1st Cycle Rebar Diameter = #8

No. of 1st Cycle Number = 8

Click [Add]

Rebar Name = Shear

Rebar Type = Shear Rebar

Shear Type = Vertical Shear

Diameter = #10

Number of Legs = 2

Rebar C.T.C (mm) =300

- Function Reference

Tie Types

The steel ties in a strut-tie model represent the main reinforcing bars, shear reinforcing bars, and supplementary reinforcing bars of a concrete member. Two different types of reinforcing bars in a horizontal layer and up to 4 vertical layers.

The shear reinforcing bars can be divided into horizontal, vertical, and inclined reinforcing bars. The information on the shear reinforcing bars is required.  

For the horizontal or vertical supplementary reinforcing bars, the number of legs and layers must be assigned.