Creating Element

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- Click [New]

 Set  ACI 318-14

- Click [Add STM Element]

Input coordinates (0, 0) and enter key. Move is possible with Tab key

Input coordinates (0, 1.400) and enter key

Select on the bottom node (1) of the created member

- Click [F8] key , Ortho On

Move the mouse horizontally and click any point

[Distance] input 2.5m and enter key.

- Select the created horizontal member by dragging

[Ctrl + C], copy of element

[Ctrl + V], paste of element

Click on the upper node (2) of the vertical member as the reference point of the copied member

Drag the top horizontal member that was copied

- Select upper element

 Click [Divide]

Choose [Relative distance]

1st, input 0.7


- Select all members created by dragging

Click [Mirror Node or Element]

Click on the upper right side joint and the lower right side joint of the member to specify the baseline

[Select Mirror Type] dialog -  choose [Copy]

- Function Reference


A new file is generated by using the function New. Caution is needed since the data that are not saved can be deleted by using this function.

Add Elements

A finite element is generated by assigning the coordinates of both end points of the element. More elements are generated by using this function repeatedly.

This function is used in the Beginning Mode and Modeling Mode – Truss.


The components of finite element model are copied and saved in the clipboard by this function. The contents saved previously in the clipboard are deleted.

The function is also activated by the shortcut key [ctrl + c].


The contents saved in the clipboard by the function Cut or Copy are called and pasted by this function.

When pasting, a reference point must be designated by clicking the mouse or inputting the coordinates of the reference point.

The reference point must be located at the smallest values of x- and z-coordinate of the contents.

The function can also be activated by the shortcut key [ctrl + v].


A selected element in the finite element model of truss structure is divided into multiple elements according to the following three options.

Uniform space: An element is divided into multiple equal-sized elements by typing in the desired number of elements.

Absolute distance: An element is divided into multiple equal- or unequal-sized elements by assigning reference point(s).

The number of reference points and generated elements cannot exceed 3 and 4, respectively.

Relative distance: An element is divided into multiple equal- or unequal-sized elements by typing in the size ratio(s) ranging 0 to 1.

The size ratio is the length ratio of the generated element to the original element.

The number of size ratios and generated elements cannot exceed 3 and 4, respectively.


The selected elements and nodes are copied and moved symmetrically by this function.

Prior to selecting the mirror type Move or Copy, a reference line must be determined by clicking the mouse twice.