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The dimensions of a girder and information on the supporting columns (circular, square, rectangle) are assigned. The boundary lines of the girder zone are drawn according to the assigned dimensions. The symbol T is the thickness of the beam.


The information on the distributed load is assigned. The load name and load combination can be altered, added, or deleted in the DEFINE-Static Load and DEFINE-Load Combinations, respectively. Presently, the program allows only two load types and one load combination.

STM setting

Two reference distances are assigned for the automatic construction of the strut-tie model for the girder.


The areas of reinforcing bars assigned to the girder are recognized as the steel tie areas of the strut-tie model for girder. The information on the reinforcing bars can be altered, added, or deleted in the DEFINE-Tie Types-Reinforcement Ties. The information can be assigned to the elements of the strut-tie model in the ASSIGN-Tie Types.